Karnataka Board 1st PUC Chemistry Model Paper

Learning the Chemistry formulas and concepts can be quite challenging and requires a lot of practice. Here, the Karnataka Board 1st PUC Chemistry Model Paper can come in quite handy. It provides the students with enough practice before the exams. This helps the students to understand the concepts more thoroughly. Now, the sample question paper also gives the students an idea about the exam pattern.

Karnataka Board 1st PUC Chemistry Model Paper 2020-2021 PDFs

For the academic year 2021-22, the syllabus was reduced. So, here we have provided the latest model paper formats based on the revised 2021-22 KSEEB 1st PUC Chemistry Syllabus.

Karnataka Board 1st PUC Chemistry Model Paper 2020-2021 PDFs

For the academic year 2020-21, the syllabus was reduced. So, here we have provided the latest model paper formats based on the revised 2020-21 KSEEB 1st PUC Chemistry Syllabus.

Karnataka Board 1st PUC Chemistry Model Paper 2019-2020 PDFs

The sample paper contains 4 compulsory parts, A, B, C and D. Part A contains 10 questions of 1 mark each, while part b consists of 5 questions amounting to 2 marks each. Additionally, part C covers 5 questions assigned 3 marks. Finally, the part D of the question paper contains two different sections, giving choice where you can write the answer for any 5 questions of 5 marks each in 1st section, and similarly, the last section of part D provides choice where it is required to write answers for 2 questions of 5 marks each.

Download Karnataka Board 1st PUC Model Paper For Chemistry

KSEEB 1st PUC Chemistry Model Paper- Set 1
KSEEB 1st PUC Chemistry Model Paper-Set 2

Students can also access more such useful resources and links like the Karnataka State Board Books and previous year question papers from BYJU’S. Students can also get more updates about the Karnataka Board exam 2020.