Karnataka Board Class 2 Maths Syllabus

Children of a tender age have a wandering mind and trying to get them interested in Mathematics can be very challenging. Hence, the Karnataka Board Class 2 Maths Syllabus designed the idea to attract children to the subject by including interesting examples and hands-on activities, that can help them understand the concepts of the subject more easily.

If parents or teachers want to know what topics students will learn in class, the Karnataka Board Class 2 syllabus helps throw light on it. Practice is important for class 2 students as it helps them to retain what they have studied, better. Find here the complete Karnataka Board Class 2 Maths Syllabus, which parents and teachers can download to help the students prepare for class.

Click on the link below to download the KSEEB Syllabus for Class 2 Maths.

Download Karnataka Board Class 2 Maths Syllabus PDF

Also, given below is the list of topics and concepts covered under the Karnataka Board Class 2 Maths Syllabus:

  1. Shapes & Spatial Understanding 3-D and 2-D Shapes
  2. Numbers
  3. Preparation for Multiplication & Division
  4. Mental Arithmetic
  5. Money
  6. Measurement
  7. Length
  8. Weight
  9. Time
  10. Data Handling
  11. Patterns

For a more detailed information about the syllabus, students can download the pdf. Stay tuned and get more updates about Karnataka Board and its resources.